And thus starts block 3, the craziest block of them all…the longest projects, with the most research, user testing, and trial and error. Although these will be awesome pieces for my portfolio as well, I still cannot deny the workload has been the most of all. And, to top it all off, I have developed this mindset that because it is my last month in Doha, I must not deny any offers of going out (within reason) because it would be be a shame! I know it will be difficult to sleep maybe…but it’s okay, I’ll sleep when the semester is over. What crazy projects to do I have now? Good question.
1. Group project – Design boardgame (pieces, everything printed, package, concept, functional etc.)
2. Design publication for Mathaf Museum (needs to have experimentation, specialty techniques + pre-press ready files for print)
3. Design Interface for interactive touch screen + show narrative of how it works through video (I will be designing a Salsa Dancing interactive screen where you use your feet to follow the steps and you can choose your partner on another screen eye level)
4. Interactive package for the Tasmeem Conference – will be about inviting people to awkward dance
So all of these things have required quite a lot of thought, but hopefully they will all be finished. Semester ends in a few days, which is not scary at all………………….but all will go well.
The VCUQ fashion show was amazing…consisted of sophomore, junior and senior collections. The sophomores designed children’s clothes. And the junior’s and seniors each had they collection of 4-6 pieces. Very impressed!
Children’s collection…so cute!
me and filza at the fashion show
Chillin in a futuristic bathroom….at the Gate Mall
weird toilet at the Gate Mall, where the fashion show was held
With so much stress with finals, VCUQ contracts an actual spa to come in and give foot, back, neck and shoulder massages….quite fancy with ambiance music playing, all awesomely free! They also had yummy healthy snacks that day, in order to emphasize healthy body, healthy mind, etc. I got a foot and a back massage…so good!
Richard Serra lecture, I couldn’t really attend the whole lecture, but he is an American sculptor who for his latest project had 4 large scale sculptures in the middle of the desert, and coincidentally, I ran into those sculptures when I went to Zekreet a few weeks ago. I heard him talk for like 10 minutes, but it was really awesome hearing him talk and then saying that I seen his latest piece in person!
But less than one month left in Doha, because soon I will be leaving for Indonesia.
Still seems far away from, but when I look at the calendar, not so much. Time has gone so quickly, seriously I remember my first night here and thinking woah I’ll be here for the next 4 months. And now, one month left…..must do everything! woo!