Well for sure its been a while since I’ve posted. Needless to say finals were killer…from 8am-3am I would be at VCUQ working hard. I don’t think I had ever worked to this extent without as much sleep. Usually I give myself more sleep. So that was all of 2 weeks, me just working working.
Now this week, is preparing for Indonesia…I leave Thursday night. And graduations, dinners, hanging out, salsa dancing, etc. Just been making the most since I finished VCUQ and even though I don’t actually take flight to the U.S until the 19th, I won’t be in Doha much longer after this. So, I’m happy I’ve actually been quite busy! It’s going to be sad leaving this place. I’ve been here for a short period of time, but I think as a study abroad experience I wouldn’t of had it any other way. Honestly, I have gotten more out of this experience than I ever thought. It also helped that I didn’t come in a big group. You always get to engage more if you are by yourself, meaning you have to involve yourself with those from here. It’s more opportunity to learn about the ways people think here, youth culture, and everyday life.
visiting my friend’s mural at the Gate Mall in West Bay. This was a VCUQatar student collaboration with a well known Middle eastern street artist, El Seed. All arabic type!
Desi Night, where they bring out people singers, dancers from the India and Pakistan to put on a show. I had my outfit for the night, given to me by a friend. My Pakistani friend on my left, and Indian on my right. Both cool people!
Being silly the end of the night…
the lonely halls of VCUQatar as I would work all night in …
My work place with long hours working here…even spilled my coffee…oops! But the Majilis are so comfy!
My final packaging project…about Awkward Dancing!
Be Absurd, Be Awkward
A pretty cool looking petrol station (gas station)
salsa dancing fun with my friend Douha!
Here I am with this guy, who I took a picture with the first times I went to Souq Wagif. He smiled this time!
my friend Tariq being silly..
yumm food. Sausage in a clay pot…mixed meats…potatoes and chicken wings
Filza <3 I will miss her….
During the Senior awards, the graduating class made t-shirts for all the faculty. and brought cake for Muneera’s birthday! (our department chair)…The cake says “GD’14”
Senior showcase of their work…really nice displays and so much work put into them
Carissa! …..quite a character!
At Landmark Mall…eating some awesome food from a place called Asiana
Souq Wagif little shop, we stopped to get some juice!
I think they were some sort of police…obviously on horses for the tourists..at Souq Wagif
My outfit for the wedding!…Now for an Abiya!
VCUQatar Graphic Design Department chair!
Next to 2 Rolls Royce, with an Abiya on and ready to go to the Qatari wedding
hanging out with friends after I came back from a Qatari wedding!
So a little bit about this. My department chair, Muneera, was awesome and had an extra invite to this wedding, a past VCUQatar alumnus. She knew I would love this and invited me along. It was all women, meaning once I got in I was able to uncover, as would a normal Qatari lady who covers. First, no cameras or cell phones allowed. No pictures were allowed, due to the possibility one of the women being in the photo. Those who cover do not like pictures, especially when their hair is down. The large arena was separated into two sections, bride’s side and grooms side. The bride comes in, in such elegance, with a dress made for her by a designer, and shows off her dress. She walks elegantly onto a fancy couch, waiting for her guests to congratulate her. Then, she sits there for most of the time. The groom does not come in until later. There is a live band, but because they are men, they sing on the other side of the wall, where you can still hear them. Obviously lots of awesome food, and a lot of it. Every table is dressed up with fresh flowers, gifts for all guests on every chair, and decorative tableware for every setting. Beautiful Qatari women dress up, with long poofy, bold, extravagant dresses. Once the groom comes in, around 11pm, all the women the bride’s section cover because they cannot let their hair be seen. But, on the groom’s side, the women are allowed to let their hair be seen because the only time you can show your hair, for those that cover, is to your family and the men in your family. Basically, anyone that is not a potential husband. The best of all is the traditional ‘wedding call’ – an amazing bird-like-calling that people do before the bride comes. At this wedding, only one lady did it, but what lungs she had! It was great and I was so impressed because she kept doing it! Anyways, I had an awesome night and needless to say, this was an Al-Thani wedding, one of the royal families here in Qatar. So lucky I was able to go!
And that is my little bit. Been going out a lot and enjoying these days…from desert late night adventures, just talking and cruising until 4am, salsa dancing, kareoking, etc. I will miss this place, but like I said, I hope to be back for Tasmeem 2015. Even just looking back that I went to Japan, and now Indonesia. I would have loved to visit Jordan and Oman, but things didn’t work out to go to those places sadly. There is always a next time, for sure. Might post again before I leave, but not sure…